Bees in My Bonnet: From the Archives

Bee in the Lavender

October is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Last year my posts during October focused more on breast cancer so here’s a look at some posts from the archives.

Your Man Reminder” is an app and a campaign done by Rethink Breast Cancer.  I find the campain, and the video (hello, shirtless men) highly refreshing compared to some of the other stuff that show up around this time of year.

Breast Cancer is Not a Pink Ribbon takes a look at the work of photographer David Jay.  He also is working to put a new face to awareness campaigns around breast cancer; a raw and powerful one called “The SCAR Project.”

Last year my mother shared her story and our family history of breast cancer in a guest post.

I also watched and reviewed the documentary “Pink Ribbons, Inc.” in a two part series I called, “The Darker Side of Pink.”  Part onePart two.

Read about a woman who made the choice to undergo a double mastectomy and how it affected her life and her self image.

Some of the songs that helped me out when I needed it.

Last year’s “Bees in My Bonnet” wrapping up Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Breast Cancer Ribbon

Bees in my Bonnet: Return from the Holidays

Bee in the Lavender

Welcome back dear readers.  I hope you are doing well in the midst of this holiday season.  I was able to have a much-needed mini vacation from work and spend some time with my family.  I also saw Les Miserables which was amazing!  Highly recommend that you see it (unless you dislike Broadway musicals, then it won’t be your thing).  I haven’t been on my computer much in the last week so I haven’t been reading as much but here’s a couple of things I found interesting.  What have you been reading?

Patriarchy Survivor shares the testimony of a survivor who studied rape in college and asks survivors to stop blaming themselves and start focusing on healing.

Sexism in advertising: Harmless joke or powerful messages of misogyny?

A male survivor shares his story and his resulting feelings of guilt that he has a hard time trusting women.

An interesting article about modesty and self-hatred: “We need a better conversation because men should not be hating themselves every time a woman walks by.”

The 45 most powerful images of 2012 (according to buzzfeed).  See also the Big Picture parts I, II, and III (there is some overlap but it’s totally worth it).

The Flip Side of the Impossible Beauty Standard

Kailie Kloss Airbrushed Ribs

Usually when one looks at a photograph of a model in a magazine we assume it has been airbrushed, we assume it has been photo-shopped to make the model look better; skinnier, larger breasts/butt, brighter eyes, flawless skin, etc.  But what about the above picture where the models ribs have been smoothed out?  She’s been make to look more…healthy.  Thoughts on the above image and the use of photoshop?  What does this say about our society when even the women who live up to the ideal standard of beauty have to be digitally altered to look less sickly?



“Breast Cancer Is Not A Pink Ribbon”

**Trigger Warning**

Photographer David Jay is working to put a new face to breast cancer awareness campaigns.  Normally a fashion photographer he was inspired to start The SCAR Project when a friend was diagnosed with cancer at a young age.  His pictures of young women, ages 18-35, that have survived breast cancer are raw and very powerful.

“For these young women, having their portrait taken seems to represent their personal victory over this terrifying disease. It helps them reclaim their femininity, their sexuality, identity and power after having been robbed of such an important part of it. Through these simple pictures, they seem to gain some acceptance of what has happened to them and the strength to move forward with pride.”

See more of his images here at The SCAR Project’s website.

You can also check The Scar Project on Facebook or at The Scar Project Blog.

The photographer also did an interview with ivillage a couple years ago.

Pride Parade 2012

I grew up in a small town.  I went to a fairly small high school and the university I went to is in a small town, slightly bigger than the one I grew up in, but still small (and religious, but more on that another day).  I just recently moved to a large city and have had several, “wow, I feel like a hick” or “I am definitely from a small town” moments.  I woke up this morning to a text from my co-worker.  She informed me that today the Pride Parade was happening and I probably shouldn’t drive to work (mostly because there was absolutely nowhere to park!).  So, I decided to walk the nearly four miles instead.  I am so glad I did.  I have never seen anything like this parade!  It was amazing, and if definitely made me feel like a small town kid.  I loved it though.  Here are a few pictures I was able to snap as I painstakingly made my way to work today.  Enjoy!

I tried to make sure I got this guy from the side so I would feel okay about posting it on the internet.  To be honest though he probably wouldn’t care considering he just rode through the whole city…

This guy was definitely one of my favorites!

This isn’t the greatest picture but it makes me laugh.  She was ridiculously excited that I was pointing a camera at her.  I must have looked official or something because I got this reaction repeatedly.

If you want to find out more about the origins of both the pride parade and the gay rights movement click here.


I recently heard about this project that a survivor named Grace Brown started.  What a beautiful way to give power back to survivors.  Watch the video and check out her website (listed after the video).  If you follow it to Facebook you can view more of the pictures she’s taken.  It is incredibly disturbing and powerful at the same time.

Here’s the link to her website: